
6 April 2016

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Antelope Audio announces the launch of its new LiveClock that’s based on the company’s Acoustically Focused Clocking (AFC) technology and designed for live sound applications. The 1U unit supports up to 192kHz sample rate, distributed via four Word Clock outputs on BNC and two pairs of AES/EBU and S/PDIF outputs. You can use it to simultaneously clock multiple devices, enabling synchronisation of multiple components. And while LiveClock is tailored for the stage, it’ll work just as well in a studio too. Antelope has made it easy to configure using its touch interface, and all device functions are controllable via a cross-platform software control panel. “Many of our customers in [the live sound] sector have sought a competitively priced, compact product specifically tailored to their use,” says Marcel James, Antelope Audio Director of U.S. Sales. “LiveClock meets this demand with Antelope Audio’s trademark analogue-like sonic integrity in a pocket-sized, rackmountable package.”

On top of LiveClock, Antelope has announced another two new products at MusikMesse.

The aptly-named Goliath is a Thunderbolt, USB, and MADI I/O audio interface with 36 analogue ins and 32 analogue outs, including 16 channels of mic pres. Goliath’s two MADI ports allow a total of 128 MADI channels. The interface also features built-in DSP effects.

The company has also announced a smaller, portable and affordable USB interface. Stay tuned for more details.

More info:
Antelope Audio: www.antelopeaudio.com
Australian Distributor: www.federalaudio.com.au


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