ATC’s new two-way compact passive nearfield monitor, the SCM12 Pro, will be available in October. Designed from the ground up, the SCM12 Pro is among ATC’s more budget-friendly options — in fact, it’s the most affordable in ATC’s line. It’s also compact enough to use on your studio desk or console monitoring bridge.
ATC Technical Sales Manager Ben Lilly: “Users will find that productions completed using the SCM12 Pro will translate beautifully to other systems and that their incredibly low distortion makes listening to them a pleasure — even after long hours in the studio.”
The SCM12 Pro’s tweeter is a one-inch soft dome designed around ATC’s dual-suspension technology, as opposed to the more standard single-suspension mounting of most tweeters. The result is supposed to be greater control of the voice coil and dome motion, especially at higher SPLs, and an extended frequency response.
The mid/bass driver is a six-inch CLD (constrained layer damping) drive unit with a symmetric gap motor system and other ATC-coined acronyms like FEA (finite element analysis) that provides better dynamic range and less power compression.
The SCM12i is an install-specific version of the SCM12 Pro and is expected to be released in early 2017. It’ll feature threaded mounting points for wall and ceiling brackets.
More info:
ATC: www.atcloudspeakers.co.uk
Australian Distributor: www.cda-proaudio.com