We don’t often see huge innovations from Dynaudio Professional, but its new software AIR Control system for its AIR range of monitors and subs, is worth taking a squizz at. It’s a complete and networked solution for critical monitoring, with editing, saving and preset-based recall of room adaptation DSP, timing and SPL calibration, bass management and monitor control in configurations spanning from 2.0 to 7.1.
The AIR Control application for Mac and PC and Windows-based tablets, allows users to carry out advanced calibration and alignment of their AIR monitoring system. The software provides access to advanced tools and features inside AIR monitors and subwoofers including timing and SPL calibration and parametric EQs for each monitor. It allows users to define and store custom setups and presets with selective parameter locking, and a special measurement mode provides EQ line signal out from selected monitors.
“AIR Control will be available as a free download, and we are very excited to offer our current and future AIR users the advantages of this intuitive software that easily and intuitively unlocks all the power of their AIR monitor systems.” says Fred Speckeen, Global Business Manager for Dynaudio Professional. “AIR systems are an industry standard, and have been so for over a decade. It is chosen by ear by the world-leading film, music and broadcast production studios. AIR Control is designed to meet their accelerating project and workflow demands where minutely accurate adjustments and configurations must be easily made, saved and quickly recalled.”
- Advanced Configuration, Calibration and Installation software for Dynaudio AIR
- Reference Levels Control for Calibrated Listening
- Advanced bass management with variable X-over frequencies
- EQ Link – Group your speakers using up to 3 EQ-groups
- Advanced Locking of Parameters
- Front Panel Control Lock
- Setups can be saved as presets
- For MAC, PC & Windows-based tablets
Per Monitor controls
- Four Band Parametric Precision EQ
- Adjustment of individual Delay Times and Calibration Levels
- Role and Room Position Control
- Test Tone Generator
The new software replaces the original ‘TC PC-IP’ installer software that was developed for professional installers.
To download the Control software check: dynaudioprofessional.com/air-series
For more info on the AIR Range, check its Australian Distributor: www.ambertech.com.au
Excerpts from Press Release