Instrumentally Pivotal
Two new instrument swivel joint mics released
Austrian Audio introduces two new microphones that are optimised for use on instruments. The OD5, an active-dynamic microphone, and the OC7, a true condenser microphone. Both mics are handmade in Vienna and subjected to strict quality assurance processes. The OC7 features the OCC7 small diaphragm capsule, also handmade in Vienna. As to be expected from Austrian Audio, these mics come with some special features.
Most noticeable is the ‘Swivel Joint’ mechanism. Musicians and sound techs are familiar with the problem of microphone stands that are screwed on too tight. Once you finally get them loose, they lose their position completely which makes fine adjustments to microphone angles difficult.
Austrian Audio’s engineers have developed a swivel system for the microphone basket that allows a 220° rotation of the field. The microphone can easily be aligned to the sound source or according to personal sound preferences without having to adjust or loosen the microphone stand.
The OC7 and the OD5 use Austrian Audio’s well-known Open Acoustics technology: the ‘linear cardioid’ polar pattern captures sound from the front, the rear, or from the side. This ensures that crosstalk from other instruments doesn’t degrade the main source.
In addition to their shared attributes, the OC7 and the OD5 each have unique features. The OC7’s condenser capsule is protected by the microphone basket and can be positioned in places where the microphone might be subjected to knocks. The OC7 is equipped with a 2nd order high-pass filter with an operating frequency of 40 or 80Hz. There is also a -10dB pad, which results in lower sensitivity by reducing the capsule voltage. This allows it to be used in front of the loudest sound sources. With an 154 dB SPL (>160dB SPL with pad), the OC7 is resistant to overload.
The OD5 features the active-dynamic circuit; the same one featured in the OD505 vocal microphone, meaning that long cable runs have no impact on the signal. In addition, the active-dynamic design allows the integration of a high-pass filter. In the OD5, a CAB (Cut & Boost) filter is applied at 80Hz, which is well suited for use with guitar amplifiers. This removes the unusable low frequencies, and increasing pressure in the bass range. The second position at 120Hz is a common 2nd order high-pass filter.
Another feature of the OD5 microphone is the pad switch. In the zero position the active dynamic microphone has a sensitivity usually found in condenser microphones, but it’s almost impossible to overdrive. The -10dB pad is ideal for protecting downstream mic preamps from clipping when they have no pad capability themselves. The versatility of the OD5 makes it a workhorse with many applications. An optional custom mount makes it suited to use on various drums. It’s also great on guitar amplifiers, as well as in front of wind instruments.
The small diaphragm OCC7 capsule in the OC7 gives it open, transparent sound reproduction making it well-suited to instruments that have particularly lively transients. This includes percussive instruments such as snares and toms, but also piano and acoustic guitar. The open, silky sound also lends itself to use on various string instruments.
OD5 – US$299/EU249/GBP229
OC7 – US$519/EU429/GBP379