You couldn’t blame them for shedding a tear at Cadac. The Thessaloniki Concert Hall in Greece has recently installed the last ever Cadac R-type console to be manufactured, and a long-term Cadac employee saw the project as a cue to put his feet up and retire. Cadac is acknowledging the market dominance of digital consoles and at the same time sticking to its analogue guns by continuing with its other professional large-format analogue audio consoles. This includes the 256-input J-type through the modular S-type and the latest compact LIVE1. But back to the Thessaloniki – the bespoke console is configured with 48 mono and three stereo input channels, 16 dual groups, one monitor group, 16 DC masters and one VCA master. Many of Cadac’s longest serving engineers worked on the build of the console, including Final Test Engineer Tony Waldren, for who this was the final project before retiring after almost 30 years with the company. It’s interesting to hear that Cadac explains that sourcing components for these consoles is getting difficult these days. Let’s hope they don’t disappear too quickly.
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