
26 September 2013

Notion Presonus deal
Notion Music president Jim Boitnott, PreSonus Chairman of the Board Kevin Couhig, PreSonus CEO Jim Mack.


It’s not hard to read between the lines what will happen next – or between the staff in this case. PreSonus has announced it has acquired the assets of Notion Music, Inc., a developer of music-notation software located in Greensboro, North Carolina. Notion Music’s products include Notion 4.0 composition software, Notion for iPad, Progression 2.0 guitar-tab editing software and Progression for iPad. Presonus drops the heavy hint, “There are powerful natural synergies between Notion and our Studio One DAW, so it’s reasonable to expect that all PreSonus customers will see additional benefits from this acquisition in the future.” In other words, we can reasonably expect a future version of Studio One will provide a notation feature. Also, since Presonus has invested a lot of time and effort into the music education sector – which the company believes will increasingly focus on iOS technology – the suggestion is a hybrid app of Presonus and Notion software is on the cards, too.

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