Nice timing by Meyer – a big announcement in the relative news vacuum a week out from NAMM, when we can expect a deluge of ground-breaking, innovative, industry-leading, best-in-class, top-of-the-wozzer products to be released there and clutter the news feeds. Meyer Sound has announced the self-powered Lyon linear sound reinforcement system, the newest addition to the Leo Family of linear loudspeaker systems. Lyon linear line array loudspeakers are available in two versions: the Lyon-M main line array loudspeaker and the Lyon-W wide-coverage line array loudspeaker. Complemented by the 1100-LFC low-frequency control element and the Galileo Callisto loudspeaker management system, the Lyon-M can be deployed as a main system for installations in arenas and large auditoriums, as well as tours and festivals. The Lyon-W can serve as down fills to augment any Lyon-based system. If you’re thinking bigger, both Lyon versions can be used to provide supplemental coverage in a Leo system. The world first get to put its sticky fingers on a Lyon system at the ISE trade show in Amsterdam starting Feb 3rd. There’s no mention of it popping up at NAMM, but that’s not surprising. NAMM is more of a musical instrument and studio gear exhibition kind of show, not new PA’s. If you can’t wait for ISE, Meyer’s website has a heap of information at www.meyersound.com
Australian Distributor: Meyer Sound Australia australia@meyersound.com