Nord Electro 6
Nord’s Electro has long been favoured by those who require a high-performance yet compact stage keyboard, and now Nord has given us a sixth version to consider. The Nord Electro 6 features three independent sound sections and a streamlined user interface, promising to be the most powerful and flexible Electro yet.
On the performance side, you now have seamless transitions between sounds and programs, and the Electro 6 is three-part multitimbral. All three sections can be split and layered, with six crossfade-able split points. The new streamlined Program section features a handy Organise mode including Copy/Paste and Move functionality for quickly arranging your Programs to your desired order. A new Page View lets you easily sort and organise pages as a song list.
The Organ section has been expanded with a couple of new pipe organ models and a dual organ mode that offers quick access to dual manual setups. There’s expanded polyphony in the Piano section, as well as dedicated piano filters for accentuating softness, mid or brilliance.
The Sample section, meanwhile, has double the memory of the Electro 5 (512MB as opposed to 256MB) and also benefits from expanded polyphony. As before, there’s a comprehensive Effect section, too.
The Nord Electro 6 will available in three versions: the 6D 61 and 6D 73 have 61-note and 73-note semi-weighted waterfall keyboards respectively and come with physical drawbars, while the 6 HP includes a 73-note hammer action keyboard with LED drawbars.