When it comes to the Digital Dividend most audio professionals, like it or not, have a rough idea what’s going on. It’s the vast amount of amateur wireless users who may not have the skills or understanding – or even awareness – of what is happening. The schools, houses of worship, amateur theatrical groups and, of course, musicians who have been plugging in the same trusty, battered wireless microphone for ten years could be in for an unpleasant surprise when the Dividend kicks in. The Shure Online Frequency Calculator has been designed to be simple to use, focusing on the basic, most common questions being asked – will people be able to continue using the products they already own or, if they buy new products now, will it be usable after the digital restack? All you need to do is enter your location (a suburb name will generally suffice) and the Frequency Calculator will then automatically calculate and compare the signal strength of known TV transmitters within a set radius of the entered location. It takes into account several key factors including distance from the selected location and output power of the transmitter(s) in question. The Frequency Calculator can then suggest the best Shure wireless audio products and frequency band for your location or, if you already own Shure radio gear and wish to see what its compatibility is going to be like both now and in the future (post restack) it can help there as well. The Ready for Digital Frequency Calculator is based on regularly updated listings of actual operational TV transmitters (not just planned) and takes into account analogue and digital transmitters both now and post restack. This Frequency Calculator was officially launched at ENTECH and you can access it now at www.readyfordigital.com.au.
AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTOR: Jands info@jands.com.au.