Slate Digital Infinity Bass
New bass enhancer plugin announced.
Slate Digital has unveiled ‘Infinity Bass’, the latest addition to its All Access Pass subscription service. Infinity Bass is a brand new bass enhancer plugin that adds punch to your low-end where it’s needed and creates it where it’s missing. Well-equipped for work on EDM and hip-hop tracks, Infinity Bass is also ideal for treating rock and pop kick drums, bass DIs, acoustic bass, drum groups and even full mixes that lack lower midrange frequencies.
How It Works
Infinity Bass features a simple, engaging user interface made up of four different processing modes; Punchy, Warm, Deep and Phased. It also includes four control knobs that help you add character and shape your sound to perfection. Engaging the Listen button lets you isolate the processed part of your signal, so you can hear exactly how the plugin is affecting your sound.
The processing modes deliver a wide range of sound design potential. Whether you need a bass exciter, a dual-band subharmonic synthesizer, a clean sub-bass generator, or a bass-focused all-pass filter, this plugin does it all. The interface also features a series of parameter controls that let you dial in the processing and ensure the plugin is having the desired effect. Whether you’re looking for a subtle bump in low-end presence or a total transformation of your bass tone, Infinity Bass has you covered.
Infinity Bass is available now for All Access Pass subscribers. It’s also available as a stand-alone plugin with a perpetual license for US$149.
The Slate Digital All Access Pass features dozens of award-winning plugins like MetaTune and Murda Melodies, in addition to third-party offerings from Kilohearts and Sonic Academy like Multipass and the ANA 2 Ultra Bundle.
It also includes access to the VIRTU web-based assisted mastering platform, as well as hours of video masterclasses via Slate Academy, pro mix templates for all major DAWs, and over 20 GB of unique royalty-free samples.