With IK’s Lurssen Mastering plug-in recently released, it seems it’s the season for nifty little mastering plug-ins. Softube has recently introduced the Drawmer S73 intelligent master processor. The plug-in is based on technology created by Drawmer for the 1973 three-band FET stereo analogue multi-band compressor. In addition to modelling the unit’s characteristics, Softube has added mastering sound design to create the S73 IMP plug-in. We know multi-band compressors are awesome when used correctly, which often they’re not, resulting in severely messed up mixes. The Drawmer S73 plug-in features some built-in ‘intelligence’ to help you out. According to Softube, the S73 “does most of the job for you by making the choices a mastering engineer would make.” Your task is easy — wind up the ‘Amount’ knob to dial in your desired gain reduction amount, and use the ‘Style’ parameter to switch between ready-made mastering processing techniques to uncover the sound that best suits your mic.
More info:
Softube: www.softube.com
Australian Distributor: www.sound-music.com