If you ever get a chance to check out Sennheiser’s proposed new facility it’ll be worth sneaking a shovel into your backpack. Sennheiser has celebrated beginning construction of its planned Innovation Campus at company headquarters in Wennebostel, kicking things off with a symbolic groundbreaking ceremony. The Innovation Campus, which will cost around 20 million Euros, will provide approximately 7,000 square metres of optimum, modern workspace for employees, as well as room for an events venue. For the laying of the foundation stone Dr. Andreas Sennheiser filled a ‘time-capsule’ with documents and products which symbolise the importance of Sennheiser’s innovative company culture. The contents included a photograph of the three generations of the Sennheiser family, a current annual report, new Euro coins and a daily newspaper – fair enough. However, also included were the classic microphone MD 421, the IE 800 ear canal phones and a digital handheld transmitter SKM 9000 from the Digital 9000 system. And because every idea begins on a piece of blank paper, pens and paper completed the contents of the ‘time-capsule’. It seems a waste to leave it all buried there, right? You can even leave a thank-you note with that pen and paper. X marks the spot…
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