Blue Cat Audio: FreqAnalyst
A free multi-channel frequency spectrum analyser plugin.
With a background in industrial software engineering, Blue Cat Audio’s founder Guillaume Jeulin understands the importance of stable software. The French company offers professional audio effects, innovative audio analysis tools, and standalone applications that transform Digital Audio Workstations into professional audio processing environments. As an extra arrow in Blue Cat’s quiver, it also offers consulting and engineering services for custom software development, and as such has amassed a variety of customers, ranging from recording studios, universities and recording schools, and home studio owners, to recording engineers, and professional and amateur musicians.
This plugin has been designed to provide extreme smoothness and high resolution for both time and frequency. Unlike most spectrum analysers, Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst is able to display continuous variations even with a very high frequency resolution, thanks to its unique smooth interpolation algorithms.
Most aspects of the audio to frequency display conversion can be managed, which gives you total control over the monitoring. A special thresholding system has been developed to help you see the important parts of the spectrum easily. In case you need extra precision in a particular frequency range, you can zoom the display and check the part of the graph you are interested in.
This plugin is also available in the Blue Cat bundle, ‘Freeware Plugins Pack ii’. https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Bundle_FreewarePack/