Full Bucket Music: Frequency Shifter
A free plugin that manipulates signal frequency.
German programmer and software engineer Björn Arlt began building VST plugins under the name Full Bucket Effects in 2010. Being a musician, and a synth enthusiast from a young age, he was drawn to analysing and building software synths. He now offers both synth emulations and effects as freeware through his website.
The Frequency Shifter is a plugin that shifts the spectrum of the input signal up or down along the frequency axis. This effect is also know as ‘Bode Frequency Shifting’ or ‘Single Sideband Modulation’, and tends to be a highly underrated effect.
Do not confuse the Frequency Shifter with a pitch shifter. A pitch shifter multiplies all frequencies of the input signal by a constant factor while a frequency shifter adds (or subtracts) a constant amount of Hertz to (or from) those frequencies. Thus, the harmonic structure of the input signal will not be preserved in the modulated signal, resulting in a raw, inharmonic, metallic, you-name-it sound the more you apply the effect.
- Frequency shifting up to ±5000Hz
- Optional LFO with five waveforms and Sync to Host option
- Four frequency ranges, three mix modes
- Linked or individual control for both stereo channels
- Double precision audio processing
- Plug-in supports Windows and macOS (32 bit and 64 bit)
The Frequency Shifter is available for Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU), and is written in native C++ code.