SITALA From Decomposer
A free 16-pad drum plugin and standalone app. (Desktop version)
Sitala from Decomposer, is a free, multi-platform, 16-pad drum sampler with a set of six intuitive controls: shape, two-octave tuning, volume, compression, tone, and pan. By overloading each of its controls to sweep through a range of possibilities, Sitala keeps the control surface minimal while still allowing for a huge range of sounds. The shape knob sweeps through everything from glitchy micro-house to pumping atmospheric sounds. The tone knob single-handedly covers most of the territory that’d normally be achieved with a parametric EQ. Uniquely, each of its controls provides immediate visual feedback to see exactly what’s being done to the sound in use.
Sitala‘s Features Include:
16 Assignable Pads. Use the built-in 808 kit or your own sounds. Each sample is analysed for dynamics and pitch, which makes the controls more intuitive and musical. You can save the kits you create to your user kits library.
Drag & Drop Sound Management. Drop single samples or groups of samples onto Sitala’s pads.
Easily Rearrange Kits. Move samples around, copy and swap pads with ease. Save your creations to the user kits library and quickly access any frequently used kits
Editable Sample Start And End Points. With automatic silence detection, playback starts where the sound actually starts, not at the beginning of the file
Beat Slicing. Individual hits are automatically detected, and can be sliced out to a series of Sitala pads
AAX For Pro Tools. This is the first release with an AAX version for both Windows and macOS
Automatic Multi-Out In Reaper. Setting Reaper to multi-out mode automatically puts Sitala into multi-out mode and channel names are kept in sync with Sitala’s pad names
Shape. Adjust the attack, length and sustain of your sounds while the overall volume remains constant
Compression. Make your sounds punchier with more sustain. Automatic gain makeup maintains the overall volume while chainging dynamics
Tuning. Pitch sounds up or down by up to one octave while showing you exactly where the current sound falls in the frequency spectrum
Tone. Emphasises the highs or lows in a sound. Accentuate or scoop the midrange to position the sound in the mix. Adapts based on the pitch content of each sound
Volume / Pan. Adjust the sound’s overall volume and place it either to the left or right in the stereo mix
Editable MIDI Map. MIDI learn sets up triggers for each of Sitala’s pads and mappings for each control value. Default mappings are provided for chromatic pitches, white keys or General MIDI
Built-In File Browser. The new file browser is available either via a drop down in the sound preview or by right clicking on the pads
Preview All Samples In A Folder. Use arrow buttons to cycle through all samples in the current folder
Free 808 Kit. One of Berlin’s top producers sampled their 808 to create Sitala’s default kit.
VST, AudioUnit, AAX & Standalone. Available in the two most popular plugin formats, as well as AAX for Pro Tools and a standalone application. Multi-out is supported with one stereo channel per pad for all plugin formats